
I'm Kristina.  I specialize in equine photography and capturing the bond between equestrians and their four-legged best friends.

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19 Over 19: Whisper

April 5, 2024

In the summer of 2004, when Angela was just 13 years old, fate intervened in the form of a horse found roaming near Hueco Tanks. The local dog pound picked him up to give him a temporary home until he could get adopted. Angela’s mother, spurred by compassion, rescued the wayward stallion. And so, Whisper found his way into Angela’s life, a silent presence waiting to be heard.

With a heart full of hope and determination, Angela embarked on a journey of trust-building with Whisper. Together, they overcame hurdles, both literal and metaphorical. Through patience and perseverance, Whisper gradually revealed his gentle nature, allowing Angela to forge a bond that would withstand the test of time.

Today, as Angela reflects on their shared adventures, she finds solace in the simple joy of riding alongside her children, Whisper’s presence a constant source of comfort and companionship. Through trails ridden and obstacles conquered, Whisper has been more than a horse; he has been a steadfast companion, a confidant, and a beloved member of the family.

To those embarking on the journey of caring for senior horses, Angela offers a simple yet profound piece of advice: cherish every moment. Though the road may be fraught with challenges, the rewards far outweigh the hardships. For Angela, the love she shares with Whisper is worth every obstacle overcome and every sacrifice made.

I still have a few openings left for the 19 Over 19 project! If you have a horse 19 years or older and want to tell their story, please apply at the link below.

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Equine photography for those that are 100% obsessed with their horse.

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I create images that people will love for a lifetime, transforming fleeting moments into enduring works of art. It's not just about taking digital photographs to save on a phone and forget; it's about crafting pieces that capture the essence of the moment, evoking emotion and joy every time they are viewed.

Meet Kristina