One of my favorite places to visit in El Paso is Red Sands. It’s located on the east side off of Montana – about 20 minutes from where my family lives on Fort Bliss.
Like the same suggests, the sands are a glorious red-orange color – there’s a dune that’s absolutely AMAZING for photography. In fact, the whole area is perfect for photography sessions (hint, hint). I can’t wait to share one of my favorite locations with my equine clients!
Red Sands isn’t a regulated park – you can hike, camp, shoot, rent UTVs, and drive off-road there! Just be courteous to those around you and pick up after yourself. No one wants their view of this glorious location ruined by trash.
The photos below were taken early, like really REALLY early in the morning, and as you can see, the view was well worth the excessive amount of caffeine I needed to get there. Red Sands is just as gorgeous in the evenings. It’s definitely a place to visit if you find yourself in El Paso.
Are you ready to book your equine photography session at Red Sands? Contact me today to get started!

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