Majestic, whimsical, strong, and loyal creatures, horses have been human’s friend for a long
time. Coming a long way from just a noble steed, they have become a part of our souls and who
we are as equestrian enthusiasts. From rodeo days, leading riding lessons, and the many other
jobs they do, keeping your equine friend healthy is essential for their longevity and happiness.
However, it’s not as easy to crate your horse and take them down to the many vets available as
you would a dog or cat. You need the 411 on skilled equine veterinarians in El Paso dedicated
to keeping your hay-loving friend feeling their best.

Three Dedicated Equine Veterinarians in El Paso
Jenson Equine Hospital
Paul Jenson is a full-time veterinarian, board-certified surgeon, Diplomate, American College of
Veterinary Surgeons, and member of the American Association of Equine Practitioners and is the
practice owner of these full-service equine veterinarians in El Paso. With a strong understanding
of performance horse medicine, including race horses, western performance, and English
disciplines, they provide a full range of services to keep your horse healthy and happy.
● Surgery
● Equine Medicine
● Internal Medicine
● Intensive Care
● Lameness Exam
● Reproductive Services
● Shockwave
● Chiropractic
● Regenerative Therapies
● In House Coggins
● Dental
● Full-Service Hospital With In House Diagnostics
● Radiographs
● Ultrasounds
● In House Blood Work
● Endoscopy
Near El Paso, this veterinarian is located at Jenson Equine Hospital, 1217 Futurity Dr. Sunland
Park, NM 88063, and open Monday through Friday. For more in-depth information, visit their
Zarges Animal Clinic
Located at 5820 Doniphan Drive on the west side of El Paso, you will find expert veterinary care
for your equine friend. Their skilled veterinarians and staff are dedicated to providing the latest
diagnostics, wellness programs, and treatments to keep your riding partner in optimal health. In
your first visit, you can expect to spend time with one of their incredible technicians doing a full
check on your equine friend as well as any questions you may have be answered. They strive to
make sure you understand what they say. So make sure to ask any questions you may have. But
you can know that you will leave with a wealth of knowledge on caring for them. You can check
out their veterinarians and more on their website.
West Texas Vet
Native to El Paso, veterinarian Luis A. Terrazas, DVM, has tremendous experience with equines
as well as small animal medicine/surgery. Above all, he is passionate about using his time and
knowledge to help his clients’ equine companions and athletes stay at their peak wellness. So
they can keep doing the things they love.
● Interstate/International Travel Certificates
● Equine Coggins Test/Vaccinations
● Equine Teeth Floating
● Minor Wound Treatments
● And more
You can call them to determine your equine’s needs. Alternatively, stop in at 12295 Pellicano
Drive Ste. 5, El Paso, Texas 79936. There you can set up an appointment with Dr. Terrazas. For
more information on their facility, visit their website.
Veterinarians El Paso
Keeping your horse’s majestic and natural beauty and finding the right veterinarian is an
essential and critical step to their longevity. Additionally, these experienced and skilled equine
veterinarians in El Paso are a great place to start for your horse’s health care needs. Above all,to ensure your rodeo days, horseback riding lessons, or just riding to feel the freedom moments
are long-lasting and full of happiness.

So are you ready for more El Paso equine content? Then do not miss the blog links below! But
before you go, be sure to check out my equine photography portfolio and start the conversation
about you and your horse’s next session!
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